IRDAI’s New Directive: No Premium Collection Before Policy Acceptance

According to the new IRDAI Master Circular on Protection of Policyholders’ Interests, issued on September 5, 2024, insurers can only request payment of the premium or premium deposit after they have accepted the proposal. Risk cover will start only once...

Hello 2024!

Hello 2024!

Here are the 7 big changes to watch out for in 2024. 1. Higher Guaranteed Surrender Value   Certainly, higher guaranteed surrender values of life insurance policies are superbly positive for the policyholder. We don’t label it as some sort...

economic capital

Inclusion of Indian bonds in JP Morgan GBI-EM Index

What about the inclusion of Indian Government Bonds in JPMorgan’s Government Bond – Emerging Market Index (GBI-EM)? In the last few weeks, we have received many queries about the inclusion of Indian Government bonds in JPMorgan’s Government Bond Index (GBI-EM)....

happy policyholders

Unrewarded Risks: Part 1

  Policyholders care most about the guarantees they received and the price they paid for those guarantees. In other words, they want the best quality insurance policies at the lowest prices, which is no secret at all. What they don’t...

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