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Basic Plan

$199 /mo
$499 /yr
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Advance Plan

$249 /mo
$599 /yr
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Premium Plan

$299 /mo
$699 /yr
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Best pricing plans

Affordable Pricing Plans

Basic Plan

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Advance Plan

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Premium Plan

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Hedging Toolset

Software Toolset for Pre-Hedge and Post-Hedge Risk Analysis
  • Liability (Interest Rate) Risk
  • Reinvestment Risk
  • Strategy Development
  • Derivative Database
  • Compliance
  • Risk Dashboard
  • Full Customization
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High Value

TARA Suite

Toolset for Actuarial Risk Analysis
  • Data Platform
  • Risk Analytics
  • Financial Reporting
  • Regulatory Reporting
  • Policyholder Behavior
  • Rates Management
  • Full Customization
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Custom Project

Consulting Services
  • Proprietary Software + Analytics
  • Product Development + Testing
  • Economic Capital
  • IFRS 17 Implementation
  • MCEV and Reserving
  • Reinsurance
  • Consulting Type Engagement
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Best Pricing Plans


For enterprise use

My lady bits and bobs cup of tea bubble and squeak brolly.

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For enterprise use

My lady bits and bobs cup of tea bubble and squeak brolly.

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For enterprise use

My lady bits and bobs cup of tea bubble and squeak brolly.

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Billing questions

Common billing questions

01. Will we get billed separately for each corporate entity?

You will not be billed separately for each corporate entity. One company will be billed for one composite license, even if there are multiple corporate entities using our platform and services. If the various entities have very distinct businesses, data sources, analyses, processes, and life/annuity products, requiring us to deploy our platform separately for those distinct entities, then billing may need to be customized.

02. Is there any charge for customizations or custom enhancements?

In most cases, there are no additional charges for customizations or enhancements. In cases where we have to obtain access to third party data or APIs to render your services, additional charges may apply.

03. Is there any deployment or implementation fee?

There is no fee for deployment or implementation.

04. How long would it take Annuity Risk to deploy their platform and toolset for my company?

We typically take 4 to 8 weeks to complete a deployment. Your billing starts after your data is loaded and you have received access to the data platform and analytical tools.

05. Is there any additional charge for market data?

Market data comes free. We use only the highest quality market data produced by our proprietary derivative analytics. Our yield curves and volatility surfaces are calibrated to daily market data, as per international standards of market consistency and derivative pricing.

06. Do I get billed monthly, quarterly or annually?

You have the option to pay monthly, quarterly or annually. There are discounts for quarterly and annual upfront payments.

07. What GST rate is applicable?

GST Rate of 18% with full Input Tax Credit (ITC) is applicable for our platform and services. For details, see

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