For Commercial Banks

RBI Compliance Toolset


End-to-end KYC vigilance framework to monitor customer onboarding, profile updates, transactions and risk categorization.

Fraud Detection

AI enabled alerts for detection of suspicious transactions and fraud. Timely prioritization and reporting of events.


Continuous and comprehensive monitoring of key risk metrics and maximization of capital efficiency.

UCBs - Inter-bank deposits, SAF and more

UCB focused solution for monitoring and optimizing inter-bank deposits, asset quality, CRAR and other key metrics.

Statutory Compliance for Loans - NPA and more

AI enabled monitoring of asset quality and predicton of asset deterioration. Full compliance with statutory restrictions.

Branch Level Diligence

Empower branch managers with the tools they need for full compliance – covering interest payments, fees, dormant accounts, min balance and more.


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Perfect Integration

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Trusted by over 30,000 companies.

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RBI Compliance
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