Unleashing the Power of Your Data: Your Single Source of Truth


In order to optimize life insurance and annuity products’ feature sets, the ability to make data-driven decisions is of paramount importance.   Annuity Risk’s propritary data platform can be your single source of truth for all your policy, asset and derivative (hedge) data.


Annuity and life insurance policies tend to be very feature-rich, and having access to accurate and comprehensive data is crucial. That’s where our proprietary data platform steps in – a reliable and powerful solution designed to be the single source of truth for all your policy, asset, and derivative (hedge) data. Here, we will delve into the unique features and benefits of our data platform, showcasing how it can revolutionize the way you interpret your customer experience, fine-tune your products and drive organic growth in new business and maximize retention of renewal business.


A Solid Foundation: Clean, Trustworthy, and Highly Analyzable Data

At the heart of our data platform lies a robust data schema built from the ground up for annuity and life insurance data, keeping in mind the various analytical challenges in financial valuation, and econometric and actuarial risk analyses. From detailed policy rider information to asset cash flows and tranches, our platform ensures that you can access your data in its full detail, eliminating any ambiguity or uncertainty. We employ rigorous data quality checks and employ cutting-edge technology to maintain data integrity, providing you with the confidence you need to make critical decisions.


Pre-Built Analytics: A Shortcut to Informed Decision-Making

We know that time is of the essence, especially in the financial industry. Often the window of action has passed by the time analysis is presented to decision makers. That’s why our data platform goes a step further by providing pre-built analyses, ready for your use. These pre-built analytics are designed by industry experts, blending the power of data science with advanced financial valuation and econometric risk analyses principles. This wealth of data-driven insights allows you to save time and resources while still benefiting from expert-level analyses. With just a few clicks, you can access vital information that would have otherwise required extensive research and manpower over many weeks and months.


The Power of Versatility: Serving Many Purposes

One of the standout features of our data platform is its unparalleled versatility. The clean and analyzable data, along with the pre-built analytics, can be employed for various purposes, catering to different needs within your organization. Whether you’re a product manager, product design or seeking insights into economic valuation of your policy book, or a portfolio manager making data-driven investment decisions, our platform is your one-stop solution. The breadth of data and analyses empowers multiple departments within your organization, breaking deeply embedded information barriers, and fostering a collaborative and data-driven environment.


The Trust Factor: Making Critical Decisions with Confidence

In the financial world, trust is paramount. Our clients repeatedly laud the trust they place in our data platform, knowing that it serves as the single source of truth for their policy, asset, and derivative data. We reconcile your data every day against multiple sources – prompting inclusion of many “missed” policies and derivatives. The reliability of our data and analyses is instrumental in ensuring the accuracy of your analysis. Making critical decisions based on unreliable or incomplete data can lead to significant consequences. With our data platform, you can be assured that you’re equipped with the most up-to-date, accurate, and thorough information available, bolstering your decision-making process and instilling confidence in your actions.

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